Domingo Alvarez Duarte Apps

SD Card Offline HTML Browser 2
This is a DADBIZ version of an offline htmlbrowser, it browse in fullscreen mode, allow customize some aspectslike javascript on/off, layout algorithm.You can use tools like wget, httrack, curl to create offlineversions of web pages, store then on your sdcard and use thisoffline browser to view then.
Fossil Version Control 1.07
This is a port of version controlsoftware.Simple, high-reliability, distributed software configurationmanagement.For documentation please go to to know about thecapabilities of this software.This application is intended for people that knows or want toknow about version control systems like cvs, git, subversion,bazar, mercurial.The main audience is software developers, although other userscan find the wiki capability useful for then.This is an independent port, it's not endorsed by the originalauthor and is distributed in the hope that it will be useful toother people, without any warranty.It doesn't use any advert service.
OurBiz Business on our Pocket 1.105
DADBIZ create OurBiz a business managementapplication managing orders, quotes, delivery orders, invoices,customers, suppliers, products, sales, buys, compound products,email orders in HTML and PDF,print generated pdfs using HP iPrint2.0, ...Actually finishing the double entry account integration...Also there is a desktop application too (windows, linux,macosx).Looking for partners, investors to leverage it's opportunities,mass distribution chain, business advisers, business consultants,vertical markets.**WARNING** This is only a preview not ready for end users yet,although the functionality is almost there. Any feedback arewelcome.
DAD dictionary English Spanish 1.02
From DADBIZ this is a simple and smallEnglish/Spanish and Spanish/English dictionary, you can scrollthrough all the words by sliding up/down or writing the desiredfull/partial word and pressing "Search", consecutive pressing"Search" will advance to the next occurrence if any.To search on words that start with what you type start then witha space!Ex: " desa" only search words starting with "desa", uppercase andlowercase doesn't matter for the search.To hear a speech in both languages press/select any listedentry.(You need to have TextToSpeech installed with English and Spanishvoices. Installed by default on most devices.)It doesn't require internet connection.The data for the dicitonaries come from:
Lua Web App Server 1.0
This DADBIZ app is targeted to developers thatwant to taste Android development with the lua language, this appuses mongoose as http server, lua as scripting language, sqlite3 asdatabase, axtls for secure connections, mixlua for templates andseveral other modules and sources.It will only work on arm processors.A win32 version of it is availlable at
Technological Park Malaga ES 1.0
A list of companies located at theTechnological Park of Andalucia in Malaga Spain. (PTA Malaga)DADBIZ got the data from, if you have any doubt youcan consult it.
Contacts by last inserted 1.0
A list of our contacts ordered by thelastinserted first.Android doesn't store the date of insertion and if we addsomecontacts when we have more than 100 sometimes is hard to findthelast inserted ones.This app from DADBIZ solve that problem.